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How to use the free-standing rug rack to display merchandise?
 Oct 28, 2022|View:534

Thefree-standing rug rack is a very popular display rack nowadays. There are many ways to display products in a store. How can you better display products using the free-standing rug rack? Here are some tips to show you.

The layout of each retail product presentation will affect your sales, so before presenting the product, make a good product presentation strategy. Here are 7 presentation tips to help you make better use of the free-standing rug rack:

1. Personalize the free-standing rug rack.

Some personalized decorations can attract the attention of shoppers. It encourages people to interact with your product (and share images on social platforms).

2. Use cross-selling.

You can display products by color, product type, or theme. Cross-selling complementary products on the same retail display is a way to increase sales using secondary product placement.

3. Placement position of free-standing rug rack.

You can place a free-standing rug rack to showcase new products in high-traffic areas. Smaller, impulsive purchases or add-ons can be placed near the cash register.

free-standing rug rack

4. Mark the price of the goods.

If your customers can't find a price, they may think the product is out of their price range and give up.

5. Change the displayed products every week.

Change your retail product display regularly to give your store a new look. It can also help your old customers discover new products every time they visit.

6. Add decorations to the store.

Go Beyond and improve the shopping experience by adding decorations that fit the customer's lifestyle. For example, if you sell yoga clothes and mats, add plants, candles, and lighting to or near your stand to create an atmosphere.

7. Maintain the free-standing rug rack regularly.

It is important to keep retail displays clean, spaced, and organized so that customers can easily find (and buy) products without feeling overwhelmed.

These are just a few of the free-standing rug rack tips for showcasing products, and we hope to help you with that feel free to contact us if you need anything.

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