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Design and layout of tile display rack
 Sep 09, 2022|View:506

Tile Display Rackis a device for holding tile samples. To improve the competitiveness of ceramic tile itself. The shelves and galleries should be redesigned and rearranged every once in a while to keep the customer fresh, so how do you arrange the Tile Display Rack?

The tile display rackwas purchased to make the most of the space in the tile showroom. The tile sample block layout of the patchwork, so that customers are familiar with the exhibition hall products at heart. And then through the special exhibition hall decoration to stimulate customers' heart desire to buy.

Tile display racklayout methods have vertical cross, diagonal cross, radial, free flow, or direct layout methods.

Any arrangement should allow for a little leeway. For future flexible use, adjust the placement of the tile display rackmethod and layout structure. Because every once in a while the showroom and tile display rackhas to be adjusted. This is especially important for small sellers. Because only the exclusive shop will have a professional designer design exhibition hall.

tile display rack

The distance between the tile display rackand the tile display rackshould be clear. The small exhibition hall does not have the human flow to be possible to place casually. But if the stone building materials market or do promotional activities. According to the flow of people, flow direction for layout and adjustment distance.

The design of the shelves should ensure the proper area and space when the goods are displayed on the shelves so that the goods can be arranged horizontally to show the different varieties, and vertically to show the different specifications and grades of the same species. Appropriate space not only for the vertical arrangement of goods but also for the salesperson on the shelf, release of goods, clean to provide convenience.

The tile display rackdesign should ensure that the showroom has sufficient space and floor area. Make full use of the three-dimensional dimension of plane space and vertical space. Design an unusual showroom and tile display rack. More convenient for customers to watch. Reduce the difficulty of placing ceramic tile samples for business sales.

That's how the tile display rackis designed and laid out. If you need to buy a tile display rack, feel free to contact us.

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